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Study More Effectively at a Proper Study Place

Study More Effectively at a Proper Study Place

There are many factors that will affect a student’s ability to understand, remember and recall of the information that they have learnt.

One of the most basic and mostly overlooked factor is having a conducive and properly set up study place.

Studying needs time and effort. Studying should not be done in places where you will not be able to focus well. Choosing the right place involves evaluating your preferences and personality. Knowing your own unique preferences would allow you to choose the most appropriate place. What matters most is being comfortable.

Having said that, I still do not understand how some children can study in a noisy environment such as in a fast food restaurant or coffee joint. With all that noise and distraction, I sincerely doubt their ability to effectively and efficiently absorb the information that they are revising on.

What are the things to consider in choosing the right place to study.

1.       Availability of the place

In choosing where to study, you really need to know the availability of the place. A study place needs to be available for you in times where you really need to study. It will just be a hassle for you if the place is usually unavailable. If you share the same place with others you must schedule things so that you will know when to use it.

2.       Location of the place

The location is very important. Is it far away from your house? If it is, how many minutes will it take you to go home to eat and return. How many minutes will it take for you to go there and study. Saving time is important in studying. So this must be considered.

3.       Interruptions and Distractions

A place away from distractions and interruptions would make your study time efficient. A student who tries to study in a quiet place learns more than those who are open for distractions and interruptions.

4.       Availability of Materials

Your place should contain all the materials that you need in studying such as the reading materials. It should contain supplies such as pens and pencils, paper, ruler, calculator, and whatever else you might need.

5.       Quality of the Place

In choosing the right place, you must consider the quality of the place. These are the things you must consider in seeing the quality of the place.

  • Large table. You need to study in a table where you can be comfortable. And having a table where you can put all you materials should be available for you in your study place. Allow enough room for writing and try to avoid clutter.
  • A comfortable chair. Discomfort will be a hindrance in your study time. It will distract you while you are studying. You should have a chair where you are comfortable but not a chair which will make you too much comfortable. A chair that is too much comfortable might make you sleepy.
  • Storage space. Any kind of materials that are not needed in your studies is a distraction and the only way to get rid of them is to store them in a place. Having a large storing space will allow those materials to be hidden away from your sight.
  • Enough light. Lights are important in reading. And studying involves more reading. Proper lighting will prevent your eyes from discomfort.
  • Temperature. This will be according to your preferences. There are some who finds cold temperature as the best place where to study. You should consider you preferences. If you find yourself studying efficiently in a warm room, then choose it.

Here are some places which I would strongly encourage students to consider. These places might be available in your place and studying in these places is productive.

Best Places to Study

  • Library. The library is a best place, if not the best choice, to study. Any reading materials you need can be found here. Here you will have many resources and normally, students who enters library should be silent at all times. It is a quiet place where you can focus. It is the best learning environment.
  • Local coffee shop. Coffee shops usually have WiFi which is very useful in accessing the internet to be able to have the information you need quickly. You can take advantage of the WiFi service there. However, do look for a coffee shop that is less crowded and quieter.
  • Parks. You will find it relaxing in parks. Relaxing scenery is also needed in studying. You must be relaxed while studying to improve your brain capabilities.
  • Own home. You can create a quiet and tidy corner to study. Studying at home will save you travelling time, to and fro external study places.

Choosing the right place to study is the first thing a student must do. Studying is not done only once. You will require a place where you can study effectively on a regular basis. Consider the suggestions above in choosing your proper study place and surely you will find yourself in the best learning environment.



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